Why BGMI Banned In India? 5 Reasons

Here are the 5 Reasons Behind, Why BGMI Banned In India? You Should Know.

Why BGMI Banned In India? Indian government banned PUBG before 2 years. Krafton comeback with rebranded version of PUBG – BGMI – Battlegrounds Mobile India.

What Is BGMI?

Battlegrounds Mobile India, well known as BGMI is a multiplayer online game. BGMI was developed by South Korea company Krafton. BGMI is a rebranded version of PUBG, which was banned in India before 2 years.

Given below is the five 5 reasons behind – Why BGMI Banned In India?

1. Deaths By BGMI

Shocking news was arrived from Uttar Pradesh, 16yearold boy from UP shoots mother dead for stopping him from playing PUBG. Many such incident happened during playing BGMI.

Why BGMI Banned In India?

Thousands of Indian citizens complained government about PUBG, Many NGOs recommend government to ban this game.

2. Parents/NGO Complaints

BGMI BAN in India as Indian IT Act 69. 1000s NGO’s complaint to government For banning this game. They said, BGMI is PUBG, which was banned before 2 years.

This issue was also raised in Indian Parliament for taking action against this game.

3. Tencent Stake

One of the main reason behind PUBG banned was Chinese company Tencent. PUBG brought in India through Tencent. But Tencent have the stake in Krafton company. This is one of the main reason behind BGMI ban.

4. Security

Security is the main reason behind Banning of mostly games and apps in India. Government also banned 50+ apps in this week. Indian government already banned 250+ apps in India

5. Mental Youth

Many boys in India spend lots of money in BGMI by stealing their parents cards. Youth of India is out of control against this game. They stole their parent’s debit card for purchasing items in this game. Many parents complained about this matter to government.

So that was the 5 reason behind Why BGMI Banned in India. We are not confirming any reasons. PUBG was also banned due to these reasons.

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So we can do estimate about banning reasons.

Is BGMI Permanently Banned?

Now many questions arrived regarding Battlegrounds Mobile India BAN. BAN on BGMI is temporary, not permanent. BGMI can come back on Google Play Store and App Store.

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